Stopped out and Sold
Sold WFR at $83
Stopped out
VIP - $31
NOV - $58
Everyone has opinions. They give you their two-cents worth. I'll give you more. One penny more. That's a cool 50% more than others. And that's wicked value. The LIVEROCKET investment philosophy is that at any given time, there are amazing companies out there that are building better mousetraps and generating incredible sales. This is not a buy and hold philosophy. No company can maintain exceptional growth and momentum for long.
We see the same things happening:
* Each trough is lower than the one before it (T2 vs T1), and each peak is lower than the one before it (P2 vs P1)
* The recent drop has fallen below the first gasp. When this happened in 2001, the market then ran up 10% over 2 months. But it then crashed even harder, falling 18% over 4 months.
If we expect this to resemble the last recession, what lessons should we draw:
1. Market drop of 30% - that puts us at 9,800. In the 1990-91 recession, the market dropped 20%. In the 1987-88 recession, it dropped 33%. So a drop of 30% is high, but not unreasonable.
2. Duration - the last stock market collapse required 2.5 years. The 1990 collapse lasted 6 months. The 1987 collapse took 4 months - 33% of stock values wiped out in 4 months. Why did the recent one take so long? The Y2K effect dragged things out and distorted true demand. It sent confusing signals. Additionally, Greenspan's heightened liquidity pushed the market up
3. Economic Lethargy Overcomes Liquidity - Eventually the economic cycle returns.
I would argue that the internet is speeding things up. We just dropped 15% in 4 months. It will be the last collapse sped up.
I would also argue that increased globalisation will slow the fall, but not the depth.
Lastly, I would argue that we will hit 10,000 this year. Folks could argue the Fibonacci technicals. I just assume a bottom of 30% based off of the extremely bubbly conditions. Add a big dash of consumer belt tightening, over extended financing, another 1990s style global credit squeeze and real estate speculation driven mania, and we are facing severity in the markets.
I also note that in the last recession, once it was clear that the market was heading down, each trough was 10% lower than the last one, as if market sentiment drove it that way. We just hit 11,700, so the next stop will be (based on that logic) 10,500.