Friday, October 12, 2007

Updates while on vacation

CLB - we sold at $138 yesterday. Let's put in an order good for today of $132
NOV - We sold at $80 yesterday. Let's put in an order good for today of $77.8
TRID - We were stopped out at $15.5. Screwed again on this stock. Lets put in an order for $15.2. Good til cancelled
TIE - Looks like ATI nickel problems are stoking concerns about TIE. Also, the delayed Boeing sales can't help (they pushed out sales 6 months on the 787).

Sunday, October 07, 2007

LiveRocket Performance Week 40 - Up 3.1%

I’m feeling pleased with the week, overall. While I may fault the rationality behind some of the bull rally (like a doubtful jobs report), I like the pressure it puts on shorts.

AMX – Up 2.3% following a flat week. It is bouncing off its 52 week high
MICC – Up 5.5%. Another strong week for MICC. No news.
NUAN – Up 8.9%. Another 52 week high. There are rumors of a buyout, but those seem more like wishful thinking. NUAN has no real competition, so a buyout would not strengthen them via an alliance. They stand alone, and I bet the CEO likes being able to play his game, his way. So I think the opposite is true: NUAN will continue to be the acquiring company. Having assembled a winning team, NUAN will attract other winners. The stock keeps moving up, so they can leverage the stock to buy companies.
PCP – Up 0.5%. That’s 2 weeks in a row of flatness. An interesting note: the single major delay in Boeing’s 787 roll-out is a lack of aluminum fasteners. Guess what – that’s PCP. Can you say “name your price”?
RAW MATERIALS including oil services/equipment
TIE – Down 2%. We are approaching the end of my patience with TIE. We can get better yields elsewhere. This is the quarter they need to run or we cut our line.
ATW – Up 2.8%. Looks like $80 is their short term resistance level.
CLB – Flat, but after hours up 2%.FWLT – Up 7.6% and they hit a new 52 week high. My theory that they would move faster than MDR has –so far at least – not been proven. They are moving in step. They announced a big win at Exxon for a facility in Singapore, details unknown.
NOV – Up 6.2% and a new 52 week high. So much for a pause after splitting. Some no-name firm downgraded them – probably has a short position they want to protect.

HOLX – Up 7.2% and up every day and hit a new 52 week high. I need to threaten to leave a stock more often. This puppy is up maybe 15% or more since I started complaining a few weeks ago.
IMA – Up 1.2% after a big week. Hit a 52 week high again. No news.
BTW I am on vacation for a week starting mid-week next week, so expect less real-time commentary

TRID: My 'Strategy'

After getting Stopped out at $14 and then watching TRID drift even lower to ~$13.50, I decided to wait to see how low the weakness would take things.

When it rose above $14 and then $15, I knew that the time to buy had come, but I was waiting for a pullback. After watching it inch up every day until it was above $16, I knew that no major pullback was in the offing. That is, I wasn't certain if the buying was widespread enough to get back in. It looks like it is.

I will buy more on weakness (there is always that panic day each quarter). In any case, I think $20 is likely in the next 3 months, so that would be a tidy 20% gain.

In my own portfolio, I have 1000 shares and a lot of Jan calls.

The only concern I have is the US retail weakness. I do believe that it could slow down LCD TV sales but I believe global demand will offset that weakness. More improtantly, it's how the stock market reacts to that weakness.

In any case, TRID is more than an investment in potential grwth. It i sbuying a wildly undervalued company.