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Each week I'd like to spotlight a specific stock.
Specical requests gladly accepted and encouraged
Specical requests gladly accepted and encouraged
Everyone has opinions. They give you their two-cents worth. I'll give you more. One penny more. That's a cool 50% more than others. And that's wicked value. The LIVEROCKET investment philosophy is that at any given time, there are amazing companies out there that are building better mousetraps and generating incredible sales. This is not a buy and hold philosophy. No company can maintain exceptional growth and momentum for long.
that is fantastic. Really looking forward to it.
FRO - have done very well in this stock but wondering if it is time to let go and take profits.
Are PCP and TIE at attractive rates now?
PCP and TIE are suffering from the Boeing delays.
We hear about US airlines mothballing some of their planes and th eimmediate fear is "these companies won't buy the new Boeing."
Actually, these planes are very uneconomical planes - the worst gas guzzlers. Boeing's new 787 is designed to be much more fuel efficient - so demand should be red hot right now. But until they start shipping, PCP and TIE stocks will limp along. Probably a buy around November
Someone said that my analysis of trade data is boring. My take is different - it's the only evidence we have of what the US consumer is buying and what the US companies are selling.
Want to know which sectors will are growing or shrinking - this is the place to start.
For example, because we know clothes and autos are down, I shorted NKE, AN and HOG.
I've been too much opinion lately, need to be more stock specific. That's what happens when you decide to wait on the sidelines for a few weeks.
I'm still thinking about specific stocks, but from a bigger perspective it would be interesting to develop a list of candidates that present opportunities if we really see a 20%..30% decline in some of the large, boring stocks. Old timers have made money buying quality stocks at discounts during hard, steep drops.
Hi Andrew,
Though it is a good idea to discuss individual stocks, I would like to suggest if you could educate your readers about the various industries, their respective operations, supply chain, risks, etc. and then identify individual stocks. For example, Oil industry - how is oil extracted, who are the major players in extraction, which countries are the major suppliers, how is oil transported, who are the major transporters, how is oil refined, etc, etc. etc. The similar methodology can be extrapoloated to industries beyong oil.
If it is too much of a work to do this on the blog, it would be worthwhile to at least point to the right resources in your blog.
Thanks for taking the time to read. And thanks for all your writings on the blogs - very educational for me indeed.
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