Week 26 LiveRocket Performance - Flat
Actually, we were down a bit, but it isn't really worth focusing on imho. The markets were also generally flat. I am focusing on the end-of-the-quarter timing as a reason for lacklustre performance. I am also counting on some strong movements up by TRID & TIE, because almost everything else has been showing solid returns.
Because this week is an anomaly, I won't spend time focusing on individual stocks.
We are now 1.5 years into LR and things look good. A 50% return which I hope will be a lot higher post earnings season.
What does LR plan to do with its position in DIGE?
I hold UCTT with an avg entry price of around 14.5 -- it has been showing some incredible weakness even when the broad market is showing strength. There doesnt quite seem to be much of pre-earnings run-up/excitement either! Wonder whats your take on it?
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