Liverocket Performance Week 15 - Up 2.7%
This was a nice week for separation: we rose 2%+ while the markets fell ~2%+. If I am right that the market is about to downshift even more, we should see continued improvements.
In general, I am comfortable with being short given the 9 month window on these puts. Right now, because I jumped in early, we are playing catch up. But I remain confident.
I want to go long on MVL June calls and the pullback was refreshing. ACI and WLT as well.
Because of the volatility, I will be looking at options more than taking equity stakes. get in, get out.
This week we bought puts on MGM and AGN and we bought more CF and sold covered calls.
MGM I referenced in previous posts: I believe Vegas is falling hard and MGM is too dependent on the US market. The curveball here is Dubai: they could buy more shares and push up the price (they just got approval to exceed 10% ownership). mad oil money may make them sloppy with their cash, but Dubai may want to wait-and-see. Another $2 dop in the stock sees us up 100% and we'll look at exiting
AGN is new. They make Botox among other things and this is a very discretionary item. A lot of folks are cutting back and I've read that sales people are not making quotas. Certainly sales won't be rising in the US, which would be contrary to their recent guidance.
I am recording the covered calls as follows: money is booked into cash and the current price for the underlying equity is recorded at the lower of the strike price or stock price. So, for example, ETFC strike price is $4 and the actual market price is $3.75, so I record as $3.75.
This is different from last week when I just recorded the market price for the stock. That overstated last week's performance ~0.75% (which means this week was actually closer to a 3.5% rise).
For the options, I am recording the BID price (the price at which I would sell to close).
Quick comments on a few positions:
TRID: Patience. They softened a bit before earnings but we are looking for guidance on design wins.
AN: With car sales so weak, how can AN do well?
NKE: This one is hurting. We know that Nike sales are flat in unit terms but the exchange rate is helping them turbocharge their earnings. The US consumer i stired and I'm hoping that this will show up soon. Or at least that Under Armor will put the hurt on them
ETFC: They dropped and not just because of GE. After rising to $4.50 they pullde back to $4.10 and then GE hit them harder. Our premise is the same: they aren't going under and the stock could soften but we are protected on the downside. Their stock price will be tested this week as other financial houses release poor earnings. That may give us an opportunity to close out the calls, wait a week or 2, and then write them again.
Appreciate the more frequent updates and revised accounting. This will make your strategy easier to follow.
One question though, When did you exit the CF Aug 110 calls? Was it the same time you put on the covered call position? Don't see it in the posts since the last update.
I do want to make this easier to track and my website is actually almost there - I have to start loading the articles!!!
I will be separating out COMMENTARY from TRADING. Blogs are nice, but navigating is hard. I am targetting a May 1st debut.
As for CF calls - we sold April 4th. Wish we'd held on longer, wow! Another $20K.....
The update last week highlighted the calls as an fyi (instead of just folding the sale into our cash position).
All buy/sell actions are posted but I want them to appear in the roll-up in a way that is easy to follow.
Thoughts or suggestions please.
You seem to have quite a few ultra-shorts in your portfolio. And they are all in the red, with QID and SRS being the worst off (off by about 15%). What do you expect to do with these, break even and call it quits? In fact, do you expect to do that at all (or anytime soon)? In general, I was wondering if you believe in doubling down - buying more SRS which I see was trading in mid 80's would have lowered your cost basis.
I got in too early but I am holding fast. The market will drop at least 10% in the next 2 months and the red will turn to green.
In fact, I think the market drops below 12,000 this week.
Hi Andrew,
I think it would be great if you can have the latest comments(like I usually see in right hand corner) in your website. That will let us know there are some new comments. And as you suggested, general thinking in a separate column and the trades in separate column would be very helpful as well.
If its not too much trouble, you can have forum to discuss, so that we can have a topic and discuss the same.
SR -
I am doing exactly that!
I will start with:
Commentary - the macroeconomic and strategy stuff. Housing as well
Trading Floor - stock specific posts
Stock Page - repository of stock specific analysis
Forums - the free-for-all exchange
Great, looking forward for your new website. For what its worth, I heard phpBB3 is the trend in forums.
A watched pot never boils.
In 1 or 2 months, the market will be catching up to what we know.
Especially as Chindia's markets fizzle.
A watched pot never boils.
In 1 or 2 months, the market will be catching up to what we know.
Especially as Chindia's markets fizzle.
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