Friday, April 20, 2007

Schlumberger (SLB) and our stocks

SLB is almost a bellwhether stock for our own smaller service/equipment companies especially MDR.

SLB announced 63% increase in earnings. Of particular interest is the seismic activity increase. CLB is active there. (I also own a stock called I/O which is seismic focused. Check them out.)

From my vantage point, however, this underscores the strong demand for oil infrastructure and services. Right now we are not covering a few areas
1. Exploration - We have CLB. I/O is another interesting seismic pure-play company. They focus on oceanic seismic testing. An onshore play that has performed better lately is DWSN
2. Extraction - GRP is the preferred drill equipment company. We don't own them. We do own the drillers: ATW, ESV (I also own DO)
3. Shipping - We have MDR for pipeline development. We do not have storage or shipping companies like OMM.
4. Refining - We don't have anything here
5. Oil companies - We don't have anything here

CLB is the small kid on the block. It's margins and fundamentals are about the same as the other players like SLB, BHI, and HAL. I prefer CLB because their growth eclipses the others. Also, there's always the chance that they get bought.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you tracked the performance of some of your SHORT-sell candidates? Radioshack (RSH) is up 68% since the beginning of 2007!

8:07 PM  

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