Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Week 34 LiveRocket Performance - Up 4.2%

Week 34 (versus previous week)
Dow 1.47%
S&P 2.09%
LiveRocket 4.2%

Dow 4.04%
S&P 1.76%
NASDAQ -1.5%
LiveRocket 27.68%

Since Inception (Nov 4, 2005)
Dow 6%
S&P 4.2%
LiveRocket 39.84%

We were stopped out of RFMD, leaving us with a cash position of $3,236.02.

Another nice week. I don't want to suggest that we are back on track to a rebound. There is still too much nervousness about the state of the business cycle, possible interest rate moves, and so forth. Volume is very low, so it's difficult to take things seriously yet, especially with the short July 4th week.

I mentioned that investing in semiconductor stocks was part of a perception that there is undervalued strength and that money will flow back in. I recognized that it is a contrarian move, and it just got more contrary. In the face of strong Semiconductor Industry reports, chip stocks got clobbered today. Maybe it was premature to make the move.

I think today was a North Korea Day. Japan and South Korea were incredibly spooked. Also Japan's Bank is going to raise interest rates. That is creating a lot of nervousness. At the same time, manufacturing spending is rising - a great thing for the economy's strength and a bad thing for inflationary pressure.

AMX Up 1.5%. Mexico is in the middle of an election crisis, so we must wait for that to be resolved.
EMT Up 5%. The reason for buying EMT was a bid by TELMEX for the company at $16.50. That's a 10% upside potential.

More acquisitions. Excel coal is part of a bidding war to be acquired. It's a hot market.
ESV - Up 7%. There is a shortage of Oil rigs. In fact, a bidding war is leading oil riggers to rent their rigs to the highest bidders.
GRP - Up 3+%.
MDR - Up ~1%
TTI - Up 13%

Nothing but continued weakness. And I was feeling so positive.
ISIL Down 2%.
ZRAN Up 3+%. Don't get too excited - down 10% because of new stock option issues.

DIS Up 3%. Cars did not take off as strongly as expected. Now it's all about Pirates
ET - Up 3%.
JLG - Up 16%. Nice to see some strength behind the move as well.
JBLU - Down 4%. Higher prices are on the way, and that should help margins.
VOL - Up 2% Tight employment numbers are good for employment agencies
TIE -Up 6% Wait and see mode still


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