Monday, October 15, 2007

Better late than never - DRYS

Lets see if we can catch some of the DRYS momentum. I keep waiting for a pullback, but none is forthcoming.
100 shares @ 125.2


Blogger TakeStocK said...


I like DRYS ..good pick.

But you deliberately avoided buying in RIG-GSF merger? Cramer screams everyday buy buy buy . On merger there would be some handsome dividend pay off. So.. why not in a IRA A/c ?

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any thoughts on GLNG which has a strong hold on transporting liquefied natural gas?

11:50 AM  
Blogger Andrew said...

RIG is not doing as well as ATW. I think that consolidation is possible and ATW is ripe for consolidation, especially given the cash the ythrow off.

GLNG and natural gas. Natural gas is something I like but I can't find the right investment. At the moment it is very, very regional. I mean that there is no real infrastructure for transporting natural gas on a global basis. Russia moves it to Europe. The US gets it from the Gulf of Mexico. In essence, there is no true global shipping. Yet. There is a lot of investment going on to address the issue: pipelines, structures to purify and liquify, and so on. The appeal continues to rise as oil prices rise.

I have mentioned before that the loss of extraction drilling in th eGulf of Mexico will deifnitely lead to a shortage of LNG in the next year. One harsh winter an dLNG prices will shoot up.

But for now, I am on the sidelines.

12:39 PM  

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