Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Preparing for tomorrow

I think today was a taste of what will happen tomorrow & Thursday after the Fed says no rate hike.

Our stocks could ease 5% or more and then move again in 6 weeks.
I think HOG, MAR, UA and CCL or RCL are ripe for PUTs.

HOG I've discussed previously - they will drop hard next earnings with a miss.

Anecdotal reports are confirming my suspicions that vacations will be cut back.
1. Marriott said business was slow. They are in a double bind because their timeshare business will be tanking with the rest of the real estate market. And they are slowing timeshare development anyway.
2. Airplanes are finding seats aren't filling up.
3. And RCL reported that cruises to the Caribbean are soft. I would like to point out that the Caribbean is the destination of choice for working class cruiseship junkets. http://yahoo.reuters.com/news/articlehybrid.aspx?type=comktNews&storyID=urn:newsml:reuters.com:20070501:MTFH13345_2007-05-01_16-34-51_N01444512&pageNumber=1&imageid=&cap=&sz=13&WTModLoc=HybArt-C1-ArticlePage1

All of these companies suffer from a potential lack of customers. Cruise lines and airplanes are more exposed to a second bullet: higher fuel costs.

MAR - Down 12% already, but a bit further out and things will worsen.
AMR or UAUA - both look broken. I think AMR's fight with the pilot union could get nasty and hurt margins, so I'd choose them.
CCL or RCL - CCL has worse margins and higher P/E. I'd go with CCL

So the strategy is to buy puts to take advantage of any short term market pullback and also to simply acknowledge that 1 year out things will be bad. I would choose a strike price of 15% below current stock price to reflect a real pullback. Remember that you don't have to be in the money for the value to increase.

Looking at Jan 08 PUTs
MAR $40 - $1.40 (15% price drop before being in the money)
AMR $25 - $2.75 (20% price drop before being in the money)
CCL $40 - $1.10 (20% price drop before being in the money)
HOG $55 - $1.90 (18% price drop before being in the money)

Or you could buy the July puts for some real gambling
MAR $40 - $0.45 (12% price drop before being in the money)
CCL $40 - $0.20 (15% price drop before being in the money)
AMR Aug $25 - $1.65 (15% price drop before being in the money)
HOG Aug $55 - $0.75 (15% price drop before being in the money)

My preference is for the MAR puts and the HOG January puts.


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