Saturday, February 17, 2007

Liverocket Week 7 Performance - up 0.45%

First of all, I need to correct Week 6's results. I mis-entered the IMA ending price as $52.64 but it was $42.64. call it wishful thinking.

Correcting for that, we were up 0.74% in Week 6.


This was a mixed week with many hits, but the misses bit deep.


AMX - Up 3%

CTSH - Up 2%

DO - A $4 dividend AND the stock stayed pretty flat

HOLX - Up 4%. The key here is a major report spelling out the massive advantages of the digital mammography. The market is split between GE and HOLX and HOLX has a clear lead and a product/technical advantage.

IMA - Up 2.5%

NUAN - Up 7%. NUAN is now on the Blackberry and the Treo.

PCP - Up 3%

TIE - Up 6%


CLB - Down 2%


DO -We went down 7% and got stopped out. I bought back in. I thought DO would be an LBO or acquisition target, but it is such a cash machine that I don't think Loews will sell them.

DIGE - Down 6%. Given only positive news, the question becomes why? I'm thinking it is locking in of profits.

UCTT - Stopped out. Ugly. Over the past few weeks we have dropped from $16 to $13.50. Shoulda locked in profits higher

My strategy going forward will be to wait for a market pullback and buy back in to some old favorites.
NEXT WEEK: IMA Tuesday 2/20
2 WEEKS: MDR Wednesday, March 1st


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