Thursday, June 01, 2006

Quick thoughts

In general, the road will continue to be rocky. Don't expect that V shape run down followed by a run-up.

Looks like I did see something in the tech stocks - the market rolled in a bit. It might roll back more - frankly, these are value stocks at these prices. I don't like the hesitancy over TRID and ISIL. Frankly, it sucks that our stocks didn't benefit from today's run-up and that's worth a moment of thought. I did like RFMD's run today. Thank the possible mergers among wireless equipment providers.

TIE - We need more cowbell. Gotta have more Cowbell. (My thanks to Christopher Walken in SNL)

GHL - Nevermind the run-up, watch the insider selling. Those greedy bastards (worse than TRID) are selling millions of shares - 2M in the last 3 weeks. It's been creating downward pressure. (BTW - Yahoo Finance says that Insider Selling is N/A. If you look at the detail and add it up, it's 2M shares. Another reason to always doublecheck the free financial websites.)

WSO - Someone asked my buy-in. I previously owned WSO and was stopped out. I have had my eye on it and many other stocks, and bought back in Tuesday at $56. I did a lot of buying Tuesday. Most are positive. I did this a few weeks back with WIRE and netted 6.5% in a couple of days. It went up a few dollars before falling 15%. I consider that a win for the 1-2 punch of buying at a short term low and setting a tight STOP.

I owe the following:
1. Latest STOPs
2. LiveRocket Turbo Portfolio - it's coming. I am fine tuning the criteria. (It would have included TIE and TRID calls, plus a few 'out there' tech stocks like NUAN)
3. Other stocks. I'd like to thank everyone for offering up stocks to be considered/reviewed. I want to dedicate some time to doing just that. Someone also asked me what I own and I will fold that into this forthcoming blog entry. I own many more stocks than I present in LiveRocket. But my risk threshold is a lot higher than I recommend others consider. LR Turbo will be closer to my more aggressive style.


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